Sunday, August 14, 2016


As we go through trials, it's always important to find the blessings and tender mercies along the way. I know our Haavenly Father loves us and is mindful of our trials and situations. As we recognize the lords hand, this is what gives hope and peace during such difficult times. I think it's important to write down our blessings so we can go back and reflect on them. We have received so many blessings so far, I have followed the spirit twice in getting to the doctor. Brycens vitals were always stable,  this was such a relief. As primary children's can be such a scary place when you first arrive, what a comfort and blessing to have the best doctors, Who are specialized helping our child. The priesthood! Brycen received 3 blessings just at primary's and one before we went. I am forever grateful for the priesthood and the worthy men in our lives. I'm grateful Chad has worked so hard so he can bless our family at any time. It's been such a blessing to have family be able to take care of our girls and that Chad can still work. Our A/C was not working in our van and it was really hot in SLC the first of June. A few days before going home, it began working! This is a tender mercy I will always be gratful for. Insurance...we are forever grateful to have Tricare which has lessened the burden of medical bills. We had been trying to decide for almost a year if Chad should re-Inlist with the guard and once we received brycen's diagnoses we knew that's what was needed. I wasn't so sure at first, since we had just received so much news about our little boy. we slowly receive bills, I know it was right. As of our Doctor back home, he is incredible and I'm forever grateful for him and his MA. They have seen us on holidays, Sunday's and Saturday's. To have a doctor who truly cares is such a comfort and blessing. They do so much for us and they hold such a special place in my heart. I know God is real and is a God of miracles. I know we will continue to see blessings and I hope we will always recognize them. 

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