Monday, November 14, 2016

Bingo for Brycen

After 2 months of planning, tonight was the night for Brycen's fundraiser, "Bingo for Brycen." The committee members have put countless hours in getting this ready. Over the past 2 months, as I would get the mail and begin to cry, I was finding myself explaining to my girls several times a week how tears are not always for sadness, but for joy, and gratitude. We didn't want to except help at first and then when friends and family approached us about a you caring account, we finally agreed. We have been humbled in so many ways. We had family members travel 2.5 hrs to be there with us tonight and we are so grateful for their love and support, especially on a week night. To be surrounded by all my siblings during such a difficult time means so much to me! I love how we are always there for each other. Tonight we were not only surrounded by family, but friends, co-workers and community members (many who we don't even know.) Chad and I had no idea an event for Brycen would ever be as big as it was tonight. 5 live auction items, roughly 115 silent auction items and many many other donations. We have always known we live in such an incredible community, but tonight we truly saw it for our selves. We hope to be able to give back and help in the future. There is no doubt we live in the greatest place ever to call HOME! We know our little Brycen has angels watching over him and those angels played apart in his fundraiser this evening. To hear someone say " let me see which one is the right one for Brycen," just warms my heart. Little Brycen has been such a blessing to us and has already touched so many lives in the past 7 months. We can not thank those who made this night possible enough! They truly are our angles! We know that the Lord brought us back HOME for so many reasons and tonight was one of them! Thank you to everyone who set up, took down, volunteered in any way and who attended the event!! May God bless you! We love you all! 

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