Saturday, November 19, 2016


Last weekend, Brycen's  belly began to get big again, which resulted in lots more vomiting. It grew 2cm in a day. We were scheduled for clinic for Monday the 21st, however, Thursday I called I see if we could plan on having his belly drained Monday before the holiday.  The doctor felt we should come as soon as we could, so we could try to be home for thanksgiving. I called Chad and he left work as soon as he could. We left for SLC at 5:30 and arrived to the ER at 9. They decided instead of direct admission that we go to ER in case they felt his belly needed to be drained right away. After blood work and lots of sitting around we finally got to his room and admitted around 12:30 ish. We did not get to bed until 1:30. 

In the morning I got a call that they could tap his belly at 9. So we hurried to the hospital and then sat around for 2 more hrs :( finally around 11:30 we went for his tap. When they pulled fluid off, it had blood in it this go around. When I first saw it I was so worried. They did the tap on the side with more blood vessels so the resident things they have nicked a vein. Due to this, his heart rate was higher than normal and they decided to do a blood transfusion. Side note... We had been out shopping and got a call from the resident which made it seem like the transfusion would need to take place asap. Once again hurried back to the hospital and waited 4.5 hrs for the transfusion. The transfusion would take 4 hrs. We were exhausted and hungry. We waited for 30 min, first 15 is where they normally see any reaction and he was doing great. After dinner we came back to check on him and then called it a night. 

Today ( Saturday) they pulled more fluid off and hoping to pull more in the morning. This visit has been very frustrating for momma. It seems to me like his heart rate seems normal to what it has been, so I'm confused why they can't keep pulling fluid like they normally do. We have not even seen a liver doctor, which is very frustrating to me. It's hard getting different resident doctors every time we come, especially since some seem to know more than others. I just want to talk with Dr.Book ( Brycen's hepatologist) or Jensen the other hepatologist. I just want straight forward clarification from the doctors who know my child and more of what the plan is. Our day nurse today is a sweetheart, but I'm not very pleased. Just adding to frustration. I asked a half hour ago to start his feed back up and still nothing. Hoping tomorrow is a better day! :) 

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