Tuesday, November 22, 2016


Thank you to those you have and continue to pray for Brycen and our family!! We have witnessed time after time the last 2 days that prayers are being answered and miracles are taking place! I KNOW God is REAL! 

This morning when Brycen threw up it got on the dressing for his picc line, so it had to be changed. In the process his stitches all came out and the line came out a few inches as well. Was I a little paranoid when I first saw this?! Of course! They did a chest X-ray and it confirmed it was no longer central and no longer safe to administer through. I have to tell you how wonderful it is to see familiar faces at the hospital. One of our very own SV guys, Mike Head did Brycen's X-ray today! This was so awesome! Since Dr.Book was hoping to get Brycen off IV nutrition (TPN) and some fevers he has been having, they decided to pull the Picc line for now! He now has an Iv in his foot, so they can continue to give Iv antibiotics. Which he will be done with those tomorrow and they will see what and how his body does. They also want to see how he does on the continuous NG feeds at night. If he continues to do well weight wise, with no TPN then no picc will be needed, if he doesn't then in a few weeks a new picc may be placed. 

Results from the HIDA scan...NORMAL! This is the miracle we saw today! No surgery is needed. Why then is there bile in the fluid?! They didn't know! A few of the doctors spent some time researching this yesterday. What they have found is that the blood may have turned into bile. The human body is so incredibly amazing! What happens to the blood still in his abdomen?! The body will re-absorbe it and naturally get rid of it. 

Brycen's first tooth popped through yesterday!! He hates when I try to feel it :) we love this little boy so much!! 

The elemantary school that Brayli attends had a turkey trot today. At the assembly they talked about how the students, k-3, and teachers have been putting money in a bucket for Brycen and they presented that money to Brayli and Grandma Pam. Not being able to be there today was hard! We are so grateful that grandma and grandpa step in and fill our void.

We know the power of prayer is real and so are miracles!  

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